Monday, December 16, 2013

It's Here!!! The Steyr M1895 Carbine Has Arrived!!

I got a large box in the mail today and immediately I'm thinking, that's my rifle, even though I'm surprised that it arrived so fast.  Ordered on Friday (around 8am).  Delivered on Monday.  Yup, that's fast shipping.  The folks at Southern Ohio Guns really know what they are doing!

So I unboxed it and all that jazz.  I was a little worried that I would find something rusty with the stock all chewed up.  But I was worried for nothing.  I pulled out a beautiful rifle.  The wood on it is amazing.  Metal looks good.  No rust.  Bolt has cosmoline or something that I'm going to have to clean off.  But other than that, the M1895 looked good out of the box.
Looking forward to using the "ladder" style sights.  Not sure what the technical term is for it.  But it looks like fun and the guy on youtube shooting watermelons with his Steyr M95 was using the "ladder" sights.  So I'm guessing it must be accurate.
Finally I shot some video of the Steyr M1895.  Nothing too fancy.  But I'll try to get it posted in a couple of days.  Also I'm planning on taking some video of me shooting the M1895 the next time I'm at the range.  So you can look forward to that as well.
One last thought on the Steyr.  I didn't plan it this way, mainly because I didn't know "SOG" would have the M95 on sale for Christmas, but it's funny that I chose the Steyr for my 1st "Guns I Want To Buy" post.  And now I actually own it.  Crazy how things work out.  Okay, this post is deep fried and done.  Order up.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Steyr Model 1895 Carbine: PURCHASED!!

Guns I Want To Buy: Steyr Mannlicher 95/34 
Guns I've Bought: Steyr Model 1895 Carbine

Let's update this previous Guns I Want To Buy post with a Guns I've Bought post.  I'm happy to report that today I bought a Steyr Model 1895 Carbine.   

I don't want to recap the old post too much, but needless to say, after Great Gun Scare of early 2013, the surplus supply of these old rifles dried up.  Or so I thought.  Thankfully Southern Ohio Guns had some squirreled away.  Regular price was $109.  But kindly enough, "SOG" decided to do a 12 Days of Christmas sale and included the Steyr M1895 as one of the specials.

So yeah, I got the rifle for $89.  Not too bad for a rifle that packs more punch than a Mosin Nagant.  I'm going to have to reload for it, though.  8x56R ammo is NOT cheap.  No sir or ma'am.  I'd be in the poor house shooting at those prices.  Anyway, I'll update as things go along.  Order up.    

Monday, November 25, 2013

Range Report: Clear Creek Shooting Range

What's better than a day at the shooting range?  Almost nothing, right?  Today I went to Clear Creek Shooting Range with four of my friends.  It's in the Daniel Boone National Forest, near Salt Lick, KY.  If that doesn't ring any bells, it's about an hour out of Lexington via I-64 East. 
It's a public range.  Cost is $7 a carload.  They have a covered area with 5 benches and target posts out to 200 yards.  There is an outhouse type toilet/restroom and paved parking.  It is the perfect place to sight in a rifle or shoot soda cans.
Or pumpkins.  Someone left their pumpkin carcass behind so we finished it off.  We also finished off a few 2-liters, 23 soda cans, a handful of empty plastic water bottles, and 3 bowling pins.  Okay, we didn't "finish off" the bowling pins, but they don't look so smug anymore.  Take that, 7-10 split!  STRIKE!  Shamefully, we left one generic brand Root Beer and a generic brand 2-liter.  Intact.  Whole.  Soda unspilled.  It is a travesty.  But never fear!  We will get those rascals next time.

Highlight of the day had to be shooting my friend's cowboy six-shooter in .45LC.  That thing was a little hand cannon.  Sweet sweet sweet.  And yes, now I want to get one.  Add it to the list.    

Okay, back to the scheduled programming.

This was my 2nd time at Clear Creek.  Both times have been on weekdays and the place has been empty.  It's cool having the place to yourself.  I'm on friendly terms with a lady who works 3rd shift at Meijer's and she tells me that the place is pretty busy on the weekends.  I don't know firsthand about that, but on weekdays, it's deadsville.  That's the way I like it.

Along with the .45LC, I got to shoot some other new guns.  Both my own and guns owned by others.  I'll do a separate post on all that.  A part two.  Because everyone loves a sequel, right?  

Well, I think this turkey is cooked.  Great range.  Great place to go shooting.  I love it. 

Clear Creek Shooting Range: A+

Order up!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Fifteen Round Magazine, Hold The Gravy

It is HERE!!  It finally arrived yesterday.  The 15 round Beretta Jetfire magazine in all its glory!
I've got it next to its "little brother" in the picture.  "Little brother" is, of course, the standard 8 round magazine.  So even though the 15 rounder took a very long time to ship, I'm pleased with it.  Feels well-made, spring seems strong.  I'd buy from the seller again, all things considered.  I haven't been to the range yet, so reliability is still a mystery, but I'll get some range time on Monday and report the results.

It looks a little funny with a tail sticking out, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how good it feels in the hand.  It feels balanced.  That said, I can't wait to shoot it.  The rest of this post would just be me blabbering on about how I can't wait to go shooting, period, so I better cut it short.  Who knew pigs could fly, huh?  Order up! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pre-Range Report (or Getting Ready)

Sorry it's been a while between posts.  I've been getting ready for a big outing to a shooting range.  A bunch of work friends are coming so I'm pretty excited.  Ordered a bunch of 7.62x39 (or as I like to call it, "AK ammo").  Scrounging up whatever .22lr ammo I can find (ie. begging on Armslist).  And reloading a ton of .38spl with a hammer (Lee Classic Loader, baby!).  Still have to clean my new-to-me .22s: the bolt action Marlin 25N and the Hawes/JP Sauer sixshooter.  Can't wait to try them out!  But yeah, it should be a good time. 

To update my earlier post about the 15rd magazine for the Beretta Jetfire: It still hasn't arrived yet.  I'm hoping it arrives in time to try it at the range.  But I'm starting to wonder if I didn't get ripped off.  The guy has over a 1000 positive feedback on Gunbroker, so maybe I need to be more patient.  Maybe it will arrive in time.  Maybe pigs will fly.

And maybe we are out of time.  Big range report coming up.  Should have some posts about my new-to-me guns and what not.  And hopefully, maybe, a post about a certain 15rd Jetfire magazine.  Hey, I think I saw a pig flying.  Oh well.  Order up!        

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Steyr Mannlicher VS Watermelon (gif)

Borrowing footage from Aurora91sl's youtube video (see the full video here).  His Steyr Mannlicher VS. Watermelon.  Hmm, I like the results.  Seriously though, there is nothing better than a fun day at the range.  And there is no better way to have a fun day at the range than blasting reactive targets like unopened sodas, shaving cream containers, or large pieces of fruit.  Personally I've never used watermelon as a target before (too expensive to waste).  But I have shot a rotten cantaloupe before.  It's very fun.  And, of course, I'm all about soda can blasting.  

You can read about all the reasons why I want a Steyr Mannlicher 95/34 in this previous Guns I Want To Buy post but honestly, what better reason than wanting the ability to destroy watermelons with a single blast?
That's about it.  Oh yeah, is the always repeating gif annoying?  Would a gif that only played one time be better?  Let me know.  Order up.